Thursday, February 04, 2010

Sneak Peek-Dublin Doll

Second sneak peek

Changed my mind about the 14thC garb. I know what the dress should look like but was wrong about the specifics of the headwear. Need to do more research and think about what fabrics to use for the pieces.

So I went with 10thC Dublin instead. As usual, linen body, linen tunics. Alpaca wool embroidery in chain stitch, linen hat with scraps from the doll body, unknown man-made fibre hair that looks like silk, cotton cheesecloth hairnet, dyed with indigo.

This was the hairnet originally cut out for the Coptic doll, that was too small to go over the head of that doll. This one was a circle of 8cm. Good for covering just a bun, under a hat. Forgot to take a picture of the side of the head with the hat down though.

Here's both of them together. Now that they're off to a friend to deliver to Estrella War, I'm going to work on the doll body photo tutorial.

But first. I'm taking the day off to read a damn book. Well, not a 'damn' book. I got a copy of "Ice" by Sarah Beth Durst (which I talked about a few posts ago) and it's been sitting on the desk beside me, taunting me for a week!


  1. Do you have a tutorial for your clothes or how you do your hair? I have been having alot of trouble with that part of the doll

  2. Please, do you have patterns for the garb? Thank you.
