Friday, November 10, 2006

Miniature Coptic Tapestry

Miniature Coptic Tapestry
2 1/2" x 1 1/2", 2006
wool, linen, metal wire, indigo, madder
Based on a fragment of 2nd-3rd century CE Coptic tapestry from Antinoé.

Warp was linen embroidery floss. All weft threads are wool mill ends. Blue, and dark blue-grey threads are dyed with indigo (on white and natural grey wool). Salmon threads are dyed in madder afterbath. Purple and dark green threads are commercially dyed.

My loom was juri-rigged from an embroidery scroll frame (on a stand), a couple pegs from my spool rack, and a pair of shoelaces.

Work was woven with cut lengths of thread, on a blunt needle, which was also used to beat down the weft.

Weft ends were sewn in after the tapestry was finished.
The rod from which it hangs is made of twisted gold-coloured wire.

This piece was shown in the group show "Small Talk" at the Ontario College of Art and Design Student Gallery Oct 11-Nov. 4, 2006.

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