"She Tosses Her Soul After Every Passing Feathered Thing"
silk (damaged shirt), silk and cotton thread (salvaged from sweaters and scrap floss)
from "And This Is How She Feels", a loose collection of poetry
And this is how she feels
Tossing her soul after every passing feathered thing

Words were first embroidered in stem stitch, and the thicker parts of the font were then done in satin stitch over the stem stitch line.

Magpie feathers, stem stitched shaft, shadow satin stitch for the barbs.
I really shouldn't have used satin for such long stitches. It's been a long time since I did much embroidery and I had forgotten the messiness it can become. They're pretty neat right now, but I think I may need to couch them to stabilize them.
I'm not as happy with the sleeve holes as I'd hoped. They're done in a deliberately messy satin-like stitch, and were supposed to look a little like wings had been ripped off, but don't really. I'm not sure how I could fix that.
ED. This piece will be appearing in Stitch Spectacular, at Dimensions Gallery.com/, in Savannah, Georgia; Jan 9-Feb 4, 2009.